Macbeth Essay How are the witches, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth held responsible for the tragic events in the play? Macbeth written by William Shakespeare

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The tragedy Macbeth written by Shakespeare shows a man fall from the greatest pedestal, kingship. It is one of the greatest tragedies because it demonstrates how a once loyal and courageous man can diminish into an immoral 'butcher'. Macbeth receives a prophecy from three witches' stating that he would become King. This prophecy enkindled Macbeth's 'vaulting ambition' and after the prompting of Lady Macbeth, Macbeth commits regicide. Killing the King is the beginning of Macbeth's …

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…witches are mainly responsible for Macbeth's problems because of their prophesies. Macbeth is at fault in all of the tragic event but mainly for his own demise because without his tragic flaw none of the other tragic events would have occurred. Lady Macbeth is mainly responsible for the deaths of Duncan and the chamberlains and the fact that she was driven mad to the point of suicide because of the weak state of her mind.