Macbeth: Act II Organizer: Character Development

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Duncan In Act II, Duncan is sleeping when he is killed by Macbeth. Banquo He is having trouble sleeping, because he is obsessed with thoughts of the 3 witches. (II, i, 8-9) He is very upset when he hears Duncan's death. Banquo was very suspicious of Duncan's murder. It is clear that he intents to investigate further. Perhaps, he suspects Macbeth is not innocent. (II, iii, 127-132) Macbeth Macbeth is very nervous about the act. And …

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…Malcolm Malcolm is very suspicious and tells his brother he is going to England to mount a counter offense. (II, iii, 137) MacDuff MacDuff appears to be a loyal thane who was asked by Duncan to call upon him. (II, iii, 48-49) When he hears the death of Duncan, he was absolute horrified. He suspects Malcolm and Donalbain (II, vi, 25-27). He does not seem to suspect Macbeth at this stage. <Tab/>