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Essay Database > Literature > English
Macbeth A certain amount of ambition can be a positive force at times and lead to a positive outcome. However, when ambition becomes an obsession it defeats the good nature of people and could possibly lead to a downfall. Ambition and the desire for power are the driving forces in Macbeth. Macduff, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are all driven by the desire for power. The first character who is driven by ambition is Macduff. Macduff's …

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…a fine natured person to an evil individual. His ambition to be king and his strong belief in the witches, brings him to a tragic end in his life, and was the cause of the many deaths that occurred. In life, one works hard to achieve their desires, but once it is found it may result in unhappiness. A certain degree of ambition is healthy, but when it becomes all-consuming then it is a sickness