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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
<Tab/>On April 23, 1564, a man was born. This was a man who would make an impact on theatre, literature, and society as a whole for years to come. William Shakespeare, son of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, lived a childhood that is still fairly unknown to most biographers. However, it is his time spent writing that is most important to us today. "Young Will was not an immediate and universal success" (…

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…he e'en ~ even Shakespeare's use of unusual words still lingers on today. Playing with the English language, he created many words on his own. These words are still used today (Ulen, page 3). Ulen, Amy. "Shakespeare 101." 26 January 2000 Surfing with the Bard <> Little, Jennifer. "ClassicNotes: Macbeth." 13 May 2000. GradeSaver. 25 April 2004 <>.