Macbeth 2

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
MACBETH In life all relationships are formed on the basis of trust. It is the foundation for all friendships and partnerships. It is one of the most basic instincts we posses as human beings and yet we tend to sometimes trust the wrong people. This usually results in hurt, either physical or emotional, sadness, betrayal, anger, grief, or any combination of these emotions. However, sometimes the consequence for trusting the wrong person can be as …

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…not, he life will be altered drastically. It would be unnatural to live life without trust and only through trial and error do we learn how and who to trust. We build a sense of judgement on how to perceive others and use that judgement to prevent ourselves from being mislead. Trusting others and being trusted is a part of human nature. However, trusting the wrong person can sometimes prove to be a tragic mistake.