Macbeth - William Shakespeare Response Journal: Act 3

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
After his first meeting with the weird sisters, Macbeth was worried that he would be forced to commit murder in order to gain the Scottish crown. Since then, he seems to have become accustomed to the idea, as the body count has rapidly grown. The first part of the witches' prophecy having already been realized, Macbeth fears that the second part may become true. He thinks that he must have his friend Banquo and his …

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…Macbeth, it is suitable that he, as opposed to Duncan, should haunt the newly appointed king. Similar to Macbeth, Banquo was aware of the witches' prophecies and took in consideration possible aspirations. Yet, distinct of Macbeth, Banquo did no take part in immoral deeds in order to achieve his ambitions. His actions serve as a reprimand to Macbeth's behaviour, and signify a path not taken, in which ambition does not need to result in carnage.