Macbeth - William Shakespeare

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Discuss the use of foreshadowing in Macbeth Any drama text can utilise the idea of foreshadowing. Macbeth, by William Shakespeare is an example of a drama text which develops and uses the literally technique of foreshadowing throughout the play. The protagonist, Macbeth, undergoes forms of emotional, physical and psychological pain through the use of foreshadowing. The use of witches, apparitions and ghosts provide important elements in making the play interesting and to develop the climax …

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…each supernatural encounter. These important elements had been provided in order to make the play interesting and to develop the climax. Without the guidance of these forces and without the use of foreshadowing, Macbeth's fate would have been altered and the plot would be non-existent. Through Macbeth's change in character, we see how his ambitions and belief in prophecies bought him to such an ironic and tragic downfall. (^3) Flathe, J. L. F. (Unknown year, pp.200)