MacBeth's Loss of Innoncence

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
<Tab/>"Fair is foul, and foul is fair." (Act I, Scene I, line 10) With this opening paradoxical quote, Shakespeare opens the tragedy of Macbeth. Macbeth is the tragic hero of this tragedy, as his ambitious actions place him in a downwards spiral until he loses everything that was once precious to him. He sacrifices his innocence, his conscience, and his peace of mind for the endless power and control he pursues. …

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…also this drive for power that causes him to reach the bottom of the wheel of fortune. His desires drove him to isolate himself, giving the reader the image of a king without a kingdom. He only felt truly secure when surrounded by people he was certain supported him (Lady Macbeth), and if he felt doubtful (Macduff), he would order their murders. These murders caused the rise of an army against him...and his death.