MTV's Success with Teenagers

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
MTV has become the icon of cable stations across the country. Their success has been analyzed and reported for many years. MTV began as a venue for record companies to show music videos to advertise their artists. Today, the channel reaches over 70 million United States households. MTV was the first 24-hour, seven-day-a-week commercial channel, because the music videos were seen as advertisements that ranged from artists and record labels to clothing and attitudes. There are …

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…Merchants of Cool - Interview: Robert McChesney. Frontline. September 15, 2005, < interviews/mcchesney.html>. MTV Networks. 2005. MTV. (accessed September 15, 2005). Seabrook, John. The Merchants of Cool - Interview: John Seabrook. Frontline. September 15, 2005, < interviews/seabrook.html>. The Merchants of Cool. Dir. Barak Goodman. With Douglas Rushkoff and Todd Cunningham. Frontline, 2001.