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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
After completing the DiSC platinum Rule Assessment I found that my predominant behavioral style is "The Helper (Is)" an Interactive Style. The Helper is MORE open and LESS direct than most other Interactive styles. The primary goal that motivates me is friendship. I have a natural dislike of pressuring others or telling them what to do. I seek close, personal relationships rather than popularity and have a wide range of friends and acquaintances. I communicate …

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…together communicate and reciprocate with each other in the context of shared commitment. They affirm strengths and appreciate the partner's individual uniqueness as they adapt their style to meet the other person's needs. Understanding and applying these principles can make the difference for the individuals. References Alessandra, Dr. Tony, 2003, "The Platinum RuleTM, Retrieved July 7, 2004 J.R. Schermerhorn, Jr., J.G. Hunt, & R.N. Osborn Wiley, 2003, Organizational Behavior (8th ed.) Hoboken, NJ, Retrieved June 25, 2004