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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Film is an integral part of today's society and as such has developed clear patterns in terms of audience expectation. Audiences watch many different genres such as Horror, Sci-fi, Horror Sci-fi, Action Adventure, Fantasy, Thriller, Comedy and many more. <Tab/>Audiences of the horror genre expect the pattern of spooky non-diegetic music, distorted camera angles to change the audience's view of the world there is often a dark, dingy, sinister setting …

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…Camera and sound of Terminator distinctively points to the horror sci-fi genre. In conclusion my preferred film is Blade Runner because firstly camera angles and use of roaming camera around the city establish the genre as sci-fi. The irony of replicants catching replicants whilst believing they are human adds a twist to the story line which after first viewing is apparent, however on the first viewing this twist adds to the impact of the film.