MANAGING STRESS for Management skills subject

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
1. Introduction Skill Development program has been set to help students identify a specific skills that they wish to develop throughout the semester. For this skill development program, I have chosen managing stress skill, as this skill would definitely benefit me in my life, such as in my work career and in my personal life. Every single individual in the world must have experienced stress, where it is usually produced by their own dread feelings when …

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…techniques that I have learnt during the program. 7. Conclusion In conclusion, this skill development report has made a major change of my view in life. I have gained tremendous amount of valuable knowledge and experiences the many techniques for managing stress. Hopefully, I would be able to maintain or even improve on my skills as it would be an asset for me in my life not just for the sake of this skill development report.