M.C. Escher : Mathematician first, Artist last

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Maurits Cornelius Escher is widely acknowledged for his extensive use of distorted geometrical shapes, tessellations and spatial illusions creating a unique art form that was admired by artists and mathematicians. Through these works of art he contributed to the world of math without having any extensive training or high academic achievements, but yet and still his work were exhibitions of mathematical ideas. Deterring from his father's plans for him to become an architect, M. C. …

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…he still became a huge factor in how we use geometry today. References: 1. F H Bool et al., M C Escher, His Life and Complete Graphic Work (New York, 1982). 2.<Tab/>*C H MacGillvary, Symmetry aspects of M C Eschers Periodic drawings (1965). 3.<Tab/>D Schattschneider, Escher: A mathematician in spite of himself, in R K Guy and R E Woodrow (eds), The Lighter Side of Mathematics (Washington, 1994), 91-100.