Lysander-Shakesprear. Amazing Paper. Gauranteed an A or BA.

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The winds are blowing, the ground is shaking, and the thunder is raging in the atmosphere. The forest just out side Athens is very busy tonight. With four young lovers with nothing better to do, but escape the life that someone else has chosen for them. Arranged marriages are awful situations, especially in the woman's case. Lysander thought he could change all of that for his dearest Hermia. Although Lysander is easy going, he is …

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…Tab/>Throughout the play Lysander speaks in prose. An example is, "Helen, to you our minds we will unfold: / To-morrow night, when Phoebe doth behold/ Her silver visage in the watery glass, / Decking with liquid pearl the bladed grass, / Through Athens' gates have we devised to steal." I, 1. Shakespeare has Lysander speak this way for many reasons. One unparticular that stands out are it makes Lysander sounds more sophisticated and important then Demetrius.