"Lyndon Johnson's War" by Hunt - Cold War through Vietnam (focuses mainly on Vietnam and its causes & effects

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Essay Database > History > North American History
As we moved into yet another turbulent decade characterized by perilous and uncertain foreign affairs, we embarked on a profuse battle against the Communists and their quest for dominance in the vulnerable areas of Southeast Asia. United States involvement in Southeast Asia will forever be reflected upon as being highly controversial, as it made us question both our own military might, and also the ability of our government to make crucial decisions. The Vietnam War …

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…could only achieve so much when public support was constantly dwindling. It was perhaps one of the ugliest periods in the history of this great nation, but the battle against communism has since been won, and we must take respect to the fact that in retrospect the war can be seen as a mere failure, but in the face of advancing communist forces and the wake of the cold war, reality yielded a different plan.