Lyndon Baines Johnson: a summary of his projects and important events while in office.

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Essay Database > History > European History
The only president to be sworn in on Airforce One, Lyndon Baines Johnson was the 36th president of our country that was sandwiched between two of the most known presidents of his time. Despite Johnson's decisive actions to reform the country and continue the assassinated President Kennedy's programs, his incredible work is often forgotten somewhere between Lee Harvey Oswald and the Watergate Building Scandal. Although he has received little credit for his accomplishments, Johnson introduced …

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…influenced our country for the better. Great Society programs like Medicare, civil rights, and HUD have helped us come to see a better present and future in our country. Vietnam may have been a mistake for our country with too many casualties, but we are supposed to learn from our mistakes, aren't we? People know more about his predecessor and his successor, but maybe people will come to a better understanding of this much-misunderstood president.