Lyndon Baines Johnson

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Lyndon Johnson led the country for five years (1963-1968) after President John Fitzgerald Kennedy died of gunshot wounds on November 22, 1963. He formulated many policies and carried out many others that Kennedy could not finish. He faced many foreign problems as well, including the Vietnam War and the Cold War. How he dealt with foreign problems put him near last if not last in foreign affairs, when compared to other presidents. Johnson always talked to tourists …

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…on the list. Many people would consider him last in foreign affairs because the people of the country did not always agree with his involvements in Vietnam. This most likely brought his rating down. Sidey, Hugh S. 'Lyndon Baines Johnson.' Microsoft Encarta. 1995 ed. Lisagor, Peter. 'Lyndon Baines Johnson.' The World Book Encyclopedia. 1992 ed. Summers, Robert S. 'Lyndon Baines Johnson.' POTUS Internet Public Library. 1996 ed. Trefousse, Hans L. 'Andrew Johnson' Microsoft Encarta. 1995 Ed.