Luther's Reformation

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Essay Database > History
In 1521, he was summoned again, this time by Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor. Luther went to the meeting known as a Diet in Worms, Germany. In his defense he said, "Unless I am convinced by Scriptures and plain reason - I do not accept the authority of Popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other. My conscience is captive to the word of God, I can not and I will not recant anything, …

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…Reformation shattered religious unity in Europe. Many of the Protestant Catholic wars also destroyed the works of beauty in the Catholic Church, including statues and many diferent forms of art. The will of the individual and an emphasis on a more "personal" relationship with God also came out of the Reformation. The Protestant Reformation was a movement to "reform" the Church. Out of this era a varying number of religious convictions and religious orders came.