Lowering Drinking Age to 18

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
In 1920 eighteenth amendment was passed which is generally referred to as prohibition. In essence it prohibited drinking or manufacturing alcoholic beverages. Supporters of prohibition thought that it would bring stop to social problems associated with alcohol consumption. Soon it became clear that prohibition was a failure, it achieved nothing, since drinking was still rampant. It created many other problems like the growth of organized crime, increased disrespect for law, unregulated and dangerous beverages, increased violence, …

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…of teens, by giving them more responsibility. It would have many other positive effects the alcohol abuse rates would decline, while people who drink with moderation rates will go up. I think it will do overall good for local community and entire country. The only consequence that is even remotely possible with my solution is the going up of DUI rates, but that should be controlled by having Anti-DUI education next to moderate drinking education.