Love in My Words

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Essay Database > Literature > English
love is a thing that grows along with time , love is sumthin that u can not just conjer up in your mind love is like a responsability that u have to take care of , nurish so there fore it will blossom and grow, love has alot downfalls like broken hearts and sorrow, but then comes the high points like the feeling of happiness and splender knowin that the one is there for you the one …

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…feeling and keep it close bc wih out love there is not joy no happiness no growth , we will stop blossiming mentally and physically well will stop carring about life and about feeling well will just keep runnin on a downward spiral path to the life of sadness dorrow and dispair , so before you let that happen let all feelings go the anger the bitterness and ure treasure of loev will be nourised and grow