Love and Marriage: Should marriage be between only a man and a woman?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Love and Marriage... <Tab/> For thousands of years, many cultures around the world have recognized marriage as a union between a man and a woman. In the majority of the modern nations, including the United States, same-sex couples cannot be legally married due to the legal rights of marriage (Strasser 43). Many political conservatives oppose gay marriage because of the fact that there are many legalities that come with marriage. A majority …

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…Francisco Chronicle. Website. Accessed 11 May 2004. <Tab/><> Strasser, Mark. The Challenge of Same Sex Marriage: Federalist Principles <Tab/>and Constitutional Protections. Westport, CT. Praeger, 1999. USA Today. Website. Accessed 8 May 2004. <Tab/><> Westermarck, Edward. A Short History of Marriage. New York. <Tab/>The Macmillan Company, 1930.