Louis XVI partially resonsible for his own downfall.

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Essay Database > History > European History
King Louis XVI came into power from the years 1769 to 1789. He ruled as a monarchy and as more problems began to occur throughout France many changes and revolts started throughout the country, one of the first major uprisings being an opposition created by the Third Estate to the states general. The King was a weak leader that spent much of the country's money on personal luxuries. He ruled by 'divine right' as his predecessors had …

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…have been intelligent King Louis XVI didn't have the strength or interest in the country to fully partake in the solving of the many crisis' that came with the age of the French Revolution because if he did, he could have prevented his own downfall with making the correct or stronger decisions to benefit himself and his family rather than passing the power on and thus ending the reign of royal power in France forever.