Lou Gehrig

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Baseball has many heroes, both old and new. Cal Ripken Jr., Babe Ruth, and Ty Cobb are all considered outstanding players. However, one of the greatest was Lou Gehrig. Baseball was Gehrig's life. Lou Gehrig, an outstanding baseball player and well-liked person was never in the spotlight until his life was cut short at the early age of thirty seven. Gehrig was a poor German immigrant. He was born on June 19, 1903, in New York City. …

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…the Yankees break the record for most Home Runs in a World Series. Lou batted in a hundred runs or more in thirteen consecutive baseball seasons. His career average was 141 runs, 150 RBI's and 200 hits(Weir 1) Although Gehrig was always overshadowed by his teammates, Gehrig was an excellent baseball player who died to soon. His most impressive contribution to baseball was his persistence(Hubler 116). He was one of the greatest 1st base mans of all time.