Lou Gehrig

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Lou Gehrig was born and raised in New York City, the son of German immigrant parents. His full name was Henry Louis Gehrig. After graduating from high school, he attended Columbia University where he became a football and baseball star. Lou's father directed him to becoming a pro baseball player. He became sick and needed on operation, but there was no money for doctors and hospital expenses in the family budget, so young Lou quickly …

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…had my share of good things in life. With all the good I've had, today, I consider myself to be the luckiest man on the face of this earth." Less than two years later Lou Gehrig was dead at age 38. A nation mourned for him. Baseball's Hall of Fame immortalized him. His locker in the Yankee's club house was turned into a shrine. No Yankee ever again wore Gehrig's famed number 4 on a baseball uniform.