"Lost Between Two Worlds" Elian Gonzalez

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Some people wait a lifetime to be on the cover of Time magazine. It is a goal they strive for; and achievement marked with high importance. But it is none of those things to a six year-old boy found floating in an inner tube off the Florida Keys. His name is Elian Gonzalez and he is in a very big battle for a small boy. It all began in 1997 when Elian's mother, Elizabet Gonzalez, began …

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…year-old boy, and the answer is: the closest surviving relative. That is his father," said David Abraham, an immigrations-law professor at the University of Miami. The child who survived should be with the parent who is alive. As long as a parent is fit, the child is sufficient age to reasonably object, and there's no reason to fear the kid will be harmed upon return. A dad's right to raise his boy must be denied.