Los Angeles-City of Quartz

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Class war and repression are said to have driven the Los Angeles Socialists into the desert. (Pg. 9) Why would anyone want to live in the desert? The once militarized desert, created a place for people to have homes. With the population growing in such large numbers and the land growing scarce they had to begin developing the vacant land. The population needed a place to live. (Pg. 4) Dirt and dollar signs, and advertising homes with …

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showed last 75 words of 1890 total
…some truth to what Davis says. As for Hayward, it will never be like Los Angeles. The Bay Area did not start off like Los Angeles did, we are already really diverse. I believe there is truth in the discussion we had in class if northerners are different from southerners. I would agree. I don't think we would make San Francisco like Los Angeles, but you never know. Especially when the Anglos become the minority.