Lorenzo's Oil

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The movie Lorenzo's Oil is about a boy, his family and their struggles to stick together through a life threatening disease. A family's togetherness is challenged in the event of unexpected change, like in this movie. The Odone family tested many factors of their family structure when Lorenzo was diagnosed with ALD. Some of factors that were tested and some also changed, as a result of this disease, were their environments, boundaries, cohesion, rules, and …

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…was not because he was sick, but Michaela was afraid to let people get close to her. The stronger the family system is, the better it can deal with change. The Odone family had a very strong family system. As a result of their strong family system, they were able to fight together throughout this battle of Lorenzo's sickness. In the end they had beaten the odds, and they were still together as a family.