Lord of the rings book 3 of 6 by JRR TOLKIEN and motifs

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Essay Database > History
Throughout Tolkien's works it is evident that his works are relevant to the motifs of Mythology and legend. He mainly draws information form Norse and Christian mythology but there are links to Greek traditional mythology. We see connections in the heroes and villains, the supernatural, The journey, the trial, the struggle, the transformation and the homecoming. In traditional stories it is always the hero is good and the Villain is evil. This story is no …

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…The extent that Book 3 is relevant to the motifs of Mythology and Legend is high and although Tolkien may not have know how much it is connected, it is because they are what shaped his mind. Just as this is what shapes our mind. The main relevant sources are Norse and Christian although there is a slight connection to other sources. These 2 sources are what I think he intended to be connected to his story.