Lord of the flies analysis

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The group of boys in "Lord of the Flies" starts with a very organized and functional society. In the beginning, the boys' instincts commence and they stick together. With this functional society the boys choose a leader, which is Ralph, but still manage to keep equality. This equality is shown through using a conch. The conch is important to the group because it gives each boy a chance to speak and have an opinion. For …

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…not to wear paint on their face and body. Jack's group thrived on looking like Indian warriors. They carried weapons, danced around the fire, and wore little clothing. There was fear in becoming an outcast. The followers whether it was the animals in "Animal Farm" or the boys in "Lord of the Flies" were terrified of being caste out of their group. They stayed in their group for survival and fear of the outside world.