Lord of the flies

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Comparison Between Novel and Film Version of "Lord of the Flies" Many novels are so successful that producers can't wait to adapt the story into a film. The majority of times, however, the original novel is much stronger than the movie because it is able to capture the emotions of each character, all the symbols and meaningful events. Due to the novel's flexibility, readers are able to extend the use of their imagination. Similarly, this …

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…of celebration, whereas Conrad's hovering trees call up images of a guillotine. Conrad's view of the jungle is fatalistic; it reflects his view of the African jungle and with it, African human nature that he sees as an uncivilized place to be subdued and conquered. Achebe feels that the jungle is a peaceful place filled with familiar sights and sounds. In light of the question, the authors' tones shed different lights on the same jungle.