Lord of the Flies:If the boys would have picked Jack as their leader, they would have all died before the rescue arrived.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"Him with the shell, Ralph! Ralph!" is what the boys shouted in the first chapter as they vote on a leader. Jack, the other boy who wanted to be leader received no votes. Ralph and Jack are two of the main characters in William Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies. Jack, who mistreats everyone on the island, only worries about hunting and does not think ahead. Jack is the worst person for the job of …

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…kill Ralph. With the whole island in holocaust, there is no way that they can have survived without food, shelter and land. Jack is one of the worst choices for a leader on the island. Not only is Jack disrespectful to everyone, he does not set his priorities in the right order. Jack also adulterates every situation. If Jack becomes the leader of the island, all of the boys will eventually die on the island.