"Lord of the Flies", by William Golding.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Lord of the Flies Christian Symbolism Lord of the Flies is an allegoric novel, meaning that the characters and the environment have an indirect symbolic meaning. This is especially true with the case of Simon and the island the boys are stranded on. Simon symbolizes a Christ figure on the island, while the island itself represents a sort heaven on Earth. But these depictions are not complete and are not meant to be the main …

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…comes with his death. In conclusion, the character of Simon and the setting of the island show a strong resemblance to Christian scripture, but the reader should not view Lord of the Flies as a religious epic, but one of the struggle between civilization and savagery. Nonetheless, the Christian symbolism is one the most prolific and dominating themes in this allegory and is important to the development of the philosophy put forward by the author.