"Lord of the Flies" by, William Golding The End of Innocence and the Darkness of Man's Heart

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The End of Innocence and the Darkness of Man's Heart In "Lord of the Flies" the author, William Golding, proves his theory on the origin of evil in many ways, a main one being the changes in the character Jack. William Golding's theory states that civilization prevents corruption. Human nature is evil but with the conformity of moral values, supervision, and consequences good behavior can be developed. In his book England is involved in a …

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…Golding's theory about the origin of evil. As civilization is destroyed, Jack becomes more and more evil. At the beginning of the book one can see such signs of trouble as his reaction the failure to kill the pig. Into the middle the conditioning wearing off is rather apparent, as he becomes prone to killing. Finally, by the end Jack is completely evil. It is the end of innocence and the darkness of man's heart.