Lord of the Flies

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Lord of the Flies Essay Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a tale of the fine line between order and chaos in society. A pack of young boys become stranded on an island and manage to survive without the laws of our civilization, loosing the will of human emotion. Jack, the leader of the most savage-willed group af all, changes from the conformities of a twelve year old British schoolboy, and becomes an …

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…bristled with spears." p.164 By this piont Jack's only desire is to kill, even if the figure being hunted is human. A well brought up boy would never loose his right mind. This boy seems to have lost all that he has lived with for so many years in a matter of months. This only goes to show how a civilized mind can be contaminated so easily by seculision and the pressures of his peers.