Lord of the Flies
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Literature > English
In Human Nature there are two main opposing sides. Good and Order vs. Evil and Chaos, the two sides greatly contrast each other. In the novel Lord of the Flies, the author William Golding displays the difference in humanity with two nemeses Ralph and Jack, and how sometimes there is a thin line between the two. Ralph constantly tries to bring good to the island by bringing order. For example, Piggy first sees Ralph on
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are best at everything' (40). Jack knows that he must have some if any order. Order so he can hunt and kill. The powers are so alike that it is as if they are from the same seed. Ralph and Jack are two different force but still resemble each other. Just like in people the goodness can easily became bad in an instant. It all depends on different surroundings that can easily bring out one anther.
are best at everything' (40). Jack knows that he must have some if any order. Order so he can hunt and kill. The powers are so alike that it is as if they are from the same seed. Ralph and Jack are two different force but still resemble each other. Just like in people the goodness can easily became bad in an instant. It all depends on different surroundings that can easily bring out one anther.