Lord of the Flies

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Without civilization, there is no law and order. That is one of the main themes in William Golding's 1954 novel Lord of the Flies. The expression of Golding's unorthodox and complex views are embodied in the many varied characters in the novel. One of Golding's unorthodox views is that only one thing keeps people from reverting back to a primal state of consciousness and action, and that thing is society. Golding shows the reader the extreme …

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…island has become one of the major works of the 20th century. Through his expression of his viewpoints by way of Jack, Simon, and Piggy, Golding creates a society that both exemplifies man's worst fears and his strengths. The fears being Jack and his extremes while the strengths are the facts that Simon and Piggy would rather, subconsciously, die than revert back to their savage state. So maybe all hope is not lost after all.