Lord of the Flies

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Lord of the Flies vs. Animal Farm In the two novels, Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm, societies or governments are established to try to make life easier. This is achieved in Animal Farm by ridding themselves of human parasites like Mr. Jones who does little work yet receives most of the food. In the other book, Lord of the Flies, this is accomplished by organizing themselves into different work groups such as hunters, …

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…the regression of the name from Animal Farm to Manor Farm in Animal Farm, like the destruction of the conch shell and the death of Piggy in Lord of the Flies, represent the demise of the society created. The erasure of the Commandments, the change of the name, the destruction of the conch shell, and the death of Piggy are all caused either directly or indirectly by the greed or selfishness of a single character.