Lord of The Flies Chapter 4-7 Q&A

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Lord of The Flies Ch. 4-7 1. What holds does civilization have on Roger? Civilization still has a little bit of control over Roger's mind and sanity. He seems to feel as if he is still surrounded by rules, laws, consequences and adults. Adults are the ones that make the rules and ensure they are enforced. In chapter four "Roger grabbed a handful of stones and began to throw them. Yet there was a space around …

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…he is wrong and Ralph is right. 15. How does Golding take the reader into Ralph's head? I feel that Golding can take you into Ralph's head because he rights realistically. He gives the kids thoughts that a real kid would have. He has the characters ponder at the right spot in the text so it sounds completely natural and this allows you to believe that all of Ralph's thoughts are actually real. By Nick Cappy