Lord Kelvin

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William Thomson was born in Ireland in 1824; his father James was a mathematics professor at The Queen's University of Belfast. When Thomson was eight, his family moved to Glasgow in Scotland, where James taught at The University of Glasgow. Thomson entered The University of Glasgow when he was ten (at this time, Irish universities accepted the most talented children)so you we know he is bright, intelligent, and started the university when he was 14. When …

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…and the America. So those were some achievements from Lord Kelvin. From this we can assume that Lord Kelvin was a really bright man, he entered the university at a very young age, started regular university curriculum at 14 and continued. Worked on several experiments. He was part of the discovery of Kelvin, the temperature unit. One of his greatest inventions the transatlantic cable, which helped the communication of America and Europe, made him very famous.