Lord Capulet in Romeo and Juliet

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Lord Capulet is a very prominent character. He is wealthy and a leader in his community. He is a very loving father to his daughter Juliet, he is a very contradictory person, and he trusts everyone to do as they are told and to act appropriately. Lord Capulet is a loving father who deeply cares for Juliet. When he arranges the marriage between her and Paris, …

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…for him to be peaceful. Lord Capulet has many contradictory aspects in his personality. Lord Capulet is a very important character in Romeo and Juliet. He plays the loving father, obedient citizen, mirthful friend, and the grieving family member. In all of these roles his different personality traits come out. His lovingness for his daughter and his trusting the other characters in the play are proof that he is a good man all in all.