Loose and Strict Construction of the Constitution of the United States: political perspective on an 18th century document which governs our modern day society.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
The Constitution is the single most important document to the governing of the United States of America. From the time it went into effect until today it has been the framework for holding this country together. Every time a court ruling is made, it is the law of the Constitution that we look to for guidance, and every person can have a different idea as to what that is intended to say. Some people think …

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…is most practical for the Congress and President to work together. The President has the responsibility to answer to his constituents and the Congress also has to work to keep people informed. When concerning a liberal democracy, it is imperative to compromise the two. In all situations we must be able to see both sides of the argument in order to determine which is the correct one. Only working together will create a just environment.