Looney school of Tennis in Canada

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PROBLEM STATEMENT Looney school's main objective is to increase awareness and interest in the sport of tennis by introducing more children to the sport. <Tab/>In the achievement of its objective Looney school is facing one major problem; high expenses on promotional activities with no guarantee of a future sale, and the need of developing more efficient and cost effective promotion plans. In addition to this problem the company also needs …

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…those popular products. 4. Evaluate the performance and effect of the tennis match; make adjustment to the imperfection. REFERENCES Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Cunningham P.H. (2002) Principles of Marketing (5th ed.) Toronto, Ontario: Prentice-Hall Canada. Ottawa Carleton District School Board http://www.ocdsb.edu.on.ca/ Ottawa Carleton Catholic District School Board http://www.occdsb.on.ca/ National Capital Tennis Association http://www.ottawatennis.com/ Ottawa 20/20 http://www.ottawa2020.com Statistics Canada http://www.statscan.ca