Looking for Alibrandi- Melina Marchetta

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Looking for Alibrandi is a novel which mostly deals with the concept of emotional change. Through a number of characters, the author, Melina Marchetta demonstrates clearly the concept of change and changing perspective. A variety of events happen throughout the novel to these characters which influence their lives and change their perspectives. Through these events Marchetta shows that change and change of perspective can be triggered by certain events and experiences, it can be gradual, …

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…was similar to herself. Melina Marchetta helps to shape our view on the concept of change and changing perspective through a variety of different events. It is demonstrated that change can be both a positive or negative thing and that every person faces their own changes throughout their lives. By showing change through a couple of characters, Marchetta also shows that change and changing perspectives can be dealt with in different ways by different people.