Lonliness in Of Mice and Men

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Lonliness in Of Mice and Men The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinback deals with many themes that are reflective of the time period in which the novel was written. Loneliness is one of the many themes in this novel that are reflective of the time period in which the novel was written. It is shown in many of the characters in the novel. Loneliness is a theme in this novel that is …

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…stuck in the house often and alone. She shows loneliness when she pretends to look for Curly so she can talk to someone. She is resorted to doing this because Curly does not want her to talk to other men. Loneliness is one of the many themes in the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinback. It is reflective of the Great Depression and is shown by many of the characters in this novel.