"Longitude", by Dava Sobel

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Longitude does not seem to be a topic that would set the reader's interest and imagination racing, but Dava Sobel manages to make what is a seemingly boring topic into a tale that is gripping, exciting and educational. She does this by the quality of her writing. She has the happy knack of being able to describe technical and often difficult topics with a grace and clarity that is enchanting. She makes the era come …

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…those who admired him most, never could express himself clearly in writing. He wrote with the scrivener's equivalent of marbles in his mouth. With obvious sympathy for this man, Harrison, whose lifework would solve the problem of longitude, and with evident passion for the subject, Dava Sobel has created a small treasure in writing this book. The immediate success of Longitude is no surprise after reading and enjoying the writing of the extraordinary Dava Sobel.