Lone Star

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Lone Star takes place in Texas, the American State which, in the first half of the 19th century, was, during the decade of its independence war against the Mexican dictator Santa Ana, an independent republic - with the Lone Star as its symbol in the flag. In the 1950s, Sheriff Charlie Wade (Kris Kristofferson) was a corrupt and racist sheriff in Frontera, an appropriately-named small town at the American-Mexican border. Charlie Wade's rule in Rio …

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… Alamo! The exclamation is a reference to the year 1836 in which the Mexican dictator Santa Ana had Alamo, a former missionary station transformed into a fort, stormed after two weeks of siege. Almost two hundred rebels died. Remember the Alamo! became the slogan of the Texan independence movement. Pilar's words, directed at Sam, tell him to forget about the past, although there is another dark secret which could menace the two lover's common future.