Logical and emotional thoughts of life using examples of the 25th movie.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The 25th Hour The movie "25th Hour" recounts the 24-hour period immediately prior to the start of a seven-year confinement for a convicted drug dealer of the Russian mob, Monty Brogan played by Edward Norton. Writer David Benioff and director Spike Lee, collaborate to deliver an emotional story in which the main character struggles between seeking redemption from his friends and family, reflecting on the mistakes he made which put him in his current position, …

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…instead of appearing at the jail, as he should. Through all the persuasive elements of the movie, the audience has been conditioned to like him enough and feel for him enough to hope he makes that choice to run and avoid the torture and living hell that confinement will bring to him. The audience finds themselves wishing for a better life for this specific criminal in spite of what he has done in his past.