Lizzie Borden...Criminal Mastermind or Insanely Innocent? - And article examining the Lizzie Borden Case as a legal prosecution.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Lizzie Borden. Miss Lizzie Borden. Angela Carter has given her defense case and produced what is rather trivial evidence to the jury. I the prosecutor will now provide the evidence which will convince the jury that Miss Borden is not mentally insane, as Carter has shown with her evidential works, but is in fact a cunning criminal who has used her social status to evade the criminal justice which I will finally bring upon her …

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…again relying on her cunning skills as women, the judge and jury based their opinions on her social status and decided that she could not have possibly performed the act. They in fact are the ones that should be on trial today for their poor performance in trying such a ruthless criminal. Miss Borden is in fact guilty of first-degree murder based off the conclusive, witness testimonies, and circumstantial evidence that I have provided today.