Living with a Drug Addict
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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Literature > English
Depression is a very real problem for women in the United States. Women are about twice as likely to get depressed as men. Most people do not realize the very real effects that come from depression and the treatments for it. Women who are depressed often seek professional help from a psychiatrist who will prescribe drugs such as antidepressant, muscle relaxers, and sleeping pills. Professional help is always a good idea when people feel that
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much money on this medicine that everyone was lead to believe that her mom needed. Eventually her mom quit abusing these drugs, and their life got back to normal. However, my friend and her mom have not had a good relationship since this happened. She can forgive her mom because she is trying but she cant ever forget what her mom has put her through and how she was effected by her moms drug addiction.
much money on this medicine that everyone was lead to believe that her mom needed. Eventually her mom quit abusing these drugs, and their life got back to normal. However, my friend and her mom have not had a good relationship since this happened. She can forgive her mom because she is trying but she cant ever forget what her mom has put her through and how she was effected by her moms drug addiction.