Living in the Shadow of Death Tuberculosis and the Social Experience of Illness in American History

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Living in the Shadow of Death Tuberculosis and the Social Experience of Illness in American History Book Outline: Part I The Invalid Experience: New England Men, 1810-1860 I .<Tab/>The Dreaded Disease <Tab/>A. Origin in Greece B.<Tab/>Consumption America's Deadliest Disease 1.<Tab/>"The Great White Plague" 2.<Tab/>Disease takes one out of five …

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…Danielle. March 2005. Online. Internet. Available FTP: Dormandy, Thomas. The White Death: A History of Tuberculosis. Hambledon: London, 2001. Reading, Danielle. March 2005. Online. Internet. Available FTP: Cole, Stewart T. Tuberculosis And The Tubercle Bacillus. American Society Microbiology: New York City, New York, 2004. Reading, Danielle. March 2005. Online. Internet. Available FTP: